Monday, October 10, 2005

Ethiopia food

Some people already know that I'm now in love with Ethiopian Culture...
And I finally had a chance to go to this Ethiopian restaurant owned by a guy I met at the Ethiopia booth of JATA congress.
Unluckily he wasn't working on Saturday night, but my friend & I had such a great time, surrounded by ethnic interiors and decorations.
Foods were interesting as well. Non-experienced tastes in my life...
Yeah I would say thay are spicy, and ... had no idea what kind of spice flavored the food...
Especially "Injera", what is called a staple food in Ethiopia, is unable to be discribed because I can't think of any alternative spice I know that could taste similar to this...

This is an explanation of Injera... please imagine;

"It’s a large pancake-shaped substance made of tef, a grain unique to Ethiopia.
Injera is normally served with a bowl of wat stew. Wat is made either from meat (lamb or beef), chicken, pureed beans, halved beans, lentils or different vegetables favored with peppers, onions, garlic and other delicious spices.

The ritual is to take a piece of injera in your hand and use it to scoop the accompaniment into your mouth."

Well, those who would like to experience this taste of Injera, just let me know! I will take you there anytime, since I eventually liked the restaurant at lot and intend to go back there again ;)


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