Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Roots, Rock, Reggae

Summer has come. At least that's what I've been feeling for these 2-3 days.
The temparture in Tokyo marked higher than my body temparture yesterday.
As you stand outside for a minute, sweat springs from your pore.
Crazy, has the summer 2005 reached us yet?!
It's still June that shouldn't torment us with this humidity & stickiness!!!

Anyway... well ok I accept the summer's arrival.
Summer... what is your original ceremony to welcome summer?
As for me, hmmmm, this year, my ceremony has started with re-appreciating Reggae music.
Summer makes Reggae communicate with my body, my soul.
Yet actually I'm not a big fan of Reggae, not even a fan of music.
I've seen lots of people saying "No music, no life", but I have never completely sympathized with this statement from bottom of my heart.
I like music, but I can live without music.
I like Reggae, but I can live without Reggae.
My life hasn't dramatically influenced by music since I was born,
yet music has been always gliding with my life since I was born.
Plus, I guess Rhythm means a lot to me, rather than tune.

I was reading a book about a history of Reggae.
The contents made me kinda bored, so I just read the first and second chapters, then returned it to the library.
Still, I learned something interesting from those 2 chapters, which is a connection between Jamaica & Ethiopia.
I didn't even know the word "Rastafari".
Last year I was checkin a website that provided us information of international events held all over the world.
And I found an artcle of Ethiopia having a big ceremony for Bob Marlay.
I was like... what???!!!! Why Bob Marlay in Ethiopia???!!!!
I had no idea what connects Bob to Ehiopia at that time.
And now I got an idea of the history of Reggae, and how Rasta movement was inflenced by Ethiopia's governmental accomplishment.
Hmmm that makes sence, and that also leads me to understand Reggae music...
Now there are 2 more countries in my list. My list of "must visit" country.
Oh yeah Ethiopia & Jamaica.
I'm just standing on a 1st beginning stage of getting to know the new culture.
The culture of music & countries & history & people's will & freedom...
They are all binded tightly.
Even though myself doesn't get influenced by music & those movement, somehow I get atrracted by people who were living in the dinamic wave of the history.
Is that because they have something I don't have?
Is that because they know something I can never feel?

No certain answer to those emotional question, huh?

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Family Gathering

My parents came back home today from 10 days Switzerland trip.
My dog came back home yeaterday from 7 days Pet hotel stay.
I came back home last week from 8 days Morocco trip.

It's been quite a long time not to be with all of my family members together.
And it was long enough to realize how much I love my family (including Dai, my dog!)

People do not appreciate things they take for granted.
People realize the value of the things once they are away from them.
Now I can not stop smiling as looking at Dai running around the house with excitement,
as listening to my mom trying to make me imagine how beautiful the mountains in Switzerland were,
as seeing my dad telling Dai that Dai is the cutest dogs among all dogs he has seen in Switzerland.
Isn't my family lovely?
It's a good feeling with lots of reliefs & comforts to sit by the table all togther, after spending time alone at home for a while.

I didn't realize that I missed this feeling until everyone got together again.
I thought I became matured enough to manage my life alone, but I guess I was wrong.
I feel so secured to be with my family.
Or... probably I could say that I did become matured in that I could reach the stage of appreciating the time with my family.
At least... I wanna believe I have grown up....

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Those who being missed

miss you
miss being with you
miss acting silly with you
miss exchanging my time with your time

Those who still exists inside me
You are always a part of me
creating a part of my life
I establish my future in the way you affected me

You A Part of Me

That's why I miss you in my reality
That's how you invaded into my teritory
That's when I'd let you have a place in my history
That's where you left a chip in my quality

I am a piece of work each of you took part in

Me, not me without you
Yet me, even only without you
Yes me, still keep my owness
My me, never give up being myself

Then why miss those who being missed out at presernt?
Because they are me. You are me.
Without each of you, I am not me.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


It's been so long again since I wrote my thoughts here.
Lots of things had been happening to my life, some pretty vibrant and other pretty contemplative, some pretty academic and other pretty cultural, some pretty primitive and other pretty sophisticated.

This week this lady has given me a bravery for life.
She assured me to live my own life, doing whatever I believe it's good for me.
Especailly when you're young, you have more opportunity & aggressiveness, so why not just try what you seek for and what you feel inspiration for?

She is now a head president of a tour operation company in Turkey,
having arranging lots of service for tourists mainly from Japan.
She used to be working in Japan, yet she was always longing to visit Turkey since she was young.
It was when she was about 25 old, when she decided to this country she was dreaming of.
Two years later, she quit her job and headed to Turkey again.
And since then, she has been living in Turkey for about 13 years now.
She said it was just right for her to go to Turkey, to be in Turkey, and to married with Turkish, to work in Turkey, and to spend rest of her life in Turkey.
Now she is a president of a company that she & her husband established.
She was telling me that there are variety of opportunities outside of Japan,
so if I am willing to try, I should just make an action.
She gave me a big courage to challenge my possibility.
OK, I will always remember what she says and how she looks when she talks about the trace of her life.
I wanna be looked like her.
When I get older, I wanna talk about my life just like she was showing me at that time.
Thanks for my job, for providing me many chances to meet lots of great people from all over the world,
who have prides & confidence in thier own life.
I will swear that I will be one of them in the future.